
Here is a list of studies that have shown the effects of Mild HBOT sessions.

Discover the Incredible Benefits of HBOT Improve Your Health and Well-being

“The Biggest Anti-Aging Breakthrough Of Our Time”

Al Sears, MD, CNS

Conclusion: “Since the discovery of telomerase, the enzyme that rebuilds the length of your telomeres, we now understand the mechanism of aging and how to delay – and even reverse – it.

I consider telomeres to be the biggest medical breakthrough of the past one hundred years.”

Telomeres are the little caps on the end of each strand of your DNA that control how your cells age.

Longer telomeres mean better health. Shorter telomeres signal premature aging.

One of the most effective ways to lengthen telomeres – and reverse human aging – is with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT.

The research backs me up.

A breakthrough study proves – for the first time in humans – that it’s not only possible to stop your body’s biological clock in its tracks…but to reverse aging at the cellular level by 25 years…

In the study, researchers tracked 35 older adults for three months. None of the participants made any diet, lifestyle, or medication changes.1

The researchers determined that 60 sessions of HBOT therapy:

  • Increased telomere length up to 50%
  • Reduced senescent, or dying, cells by 40%

In other words, the volunteers’ cells aged backward.

HBOT works by infusing your body with oxygen at higher-than-normal atmospheric pressure.

The combination of pressure and oxygen physically dissolves more oxygen into your red blood cells, boosting oxygen levels and encouraging healing and regeneration.

At the same time, HBOT activates the release of growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing and the regeneration of cells, tissues, blood vessels, and organs.2

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that after just one HBOT treatment, stem cell concentrations in subjects doubled.

After 20 treatments, they increased by a staggering 800%.3

I use hyperbaric oxygen therapy every day at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine to treat a variety of today’s chronic diseases and conditions associated with aging. Research has found that HBOT can:


  • Revive “dying” brain cells in patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia4
  • Boost memory scores 27%5
  • Improve heart function and cardiac performance6
  • Help stroke survivors regain movement following paralysis7
  • Eliminate joint pain and inflammation; improve outcome in arthritis patients 92%8,9
  • Reduce blood glucose levels in diabetics10
  • Improve behavioral and motor deficits in Parkinson’s patients11
  • Significantly relieved migraines compared to a placebo therapy12
  • Ease tinnitus symptoms by 50%13
  • During an HBOT session, you recline comfortably in a pressurized chamber and simply breathe in the high-pressure oxygen. You can listen to music, watch a movie, or just relax.
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“Hyperbaric Oxygen Induces Late Neuroplasticity in Post Stroke Patients - Randomised Prospective Trial”

University of Muster, Germany. 

Conclusion: “The clinical results indicate that HBOT can lead to significant neurological improvements in the post stroke patients, even at chronic late stage. The observed clinical improvements indicate that neuroplasticity can still be activated long after damage onset.”

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“Applications of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Surgery”

Division of Surgery, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Nevada, USA.

Conclusion: “Many factors can delay wound healing such as oedema, infection, anaemia, poor
perfusion and poor oxygen supply. The consequences of these factors is low oxygen tension, which
adversely effects neutrophil, macrophages, collagen synthesis and fibroblast function during inflammation
and repair. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy successfully negates these problems.”

Live well with Hope 13 Longevity Hacks

“Treatment of Lyme Disease with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy”

Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Meeting.

Conclusion: “Although additional statistical evaluation is still being carried out, it appears that
approximately 84.8% of those treated with HBOT protocol showed significant improvement by a
decrease in elimination of symptoms.”

Live well with Hope 13 Longevity Hacks

“Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Sports Injury”

Journal of Applied Physiology 106 (2): 711-728.

Conclusion: “By coupling the advances in sports medicine, physical treatments and hyperbaric
medicine, we will accelerate the time to recovery, complement surgical procedures and enhance the
outcomes of physical therapy. As many professional sports teams have discovered, HBOT is a very effective tool
to enhance their performance and reduce their down-time from injuries.”

Live well with Hope 13 Longevity Hacks

“Hyperbaric Oxygen and Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction”

The American Heart Journal

Conclusion: “Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) in combination with thrombolysis has been
demonstrated to salvage myocardium in acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Treatment with HBOT
appears to be a feasible and safe treatment for AMI and may result in an attenuated rise in creatine
phosphokinase and a more rapid resolution of pain.”

cancer cell vs normal cell characteristics HBOT

“How does hyperbaric oxygen therapy HBOT benefit patients diagnosed with cancer?”

Utopia Cancer Center

Conclusion: “Numerous studies have been conducted over the past 20 years showing HBOT as an effective treatment for various cancer sub-types. Moreover, studies have concluded HBOT can be an effective and safe therapy used in combination with other therapies.”

A German doctor named Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his research proving that cancer cells use a form of non-oxygen metabolism to survive. Cancer cells are not like normal healthy cells. The way they metabolize and create energy for living and multiplication is unique and dangerous.

Warburg emphasized that you can’t make a cell ferment unless a lack of oxygen is involved. In 1955, two American scientists, R.A. Malmgren and C.C. Flanigan, confirmed Warburg’s findings. They found that oxygen deficiency is ALWAYS present when cancer develops.

Numerous studies have been conducted over the past 20 years showing HBOT as an effective treatment for various cancer sub-types Moreover, studies have concluded HBOT can be an effective and safe therapy used in combination with other therapies” (from Utopia Cancer Center).

Research has shown that HBO may be helpful when used alongside cancer treatments. HBO treatment may:

  • Reduce cancer growth.
  • Improve the delivery of chemotherapy drugs to a tumor.
  • Result in an increase in the body’s own stem cells. These are blood cells at the earliest stage of development in the bone marrow. Because HBO treatment can increase stem cells it
may have a role in stem cell transplantation – a treatment sometimes used in hematological (blood) cancers.


healing benefits of hyberbaric oxygen HBOT therapy mild hbot live well with hope solutions live well with hope

“How mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) worked and why it’s good for children with Autism”

Medicinal Veritas, 2 647. 

Conclusion: “Children on the autistic spectrum experience improvement in a wide range of their
symptoms with mHBOT treatments, including increased language ability, better socialisation, less
aggression, improved bowel function and better cognition, to name a few.”

live well with hope pagosa springs healing benefits of hyberbaric oxygen HBOT therapy

“Effects of Exposure to Hyperbaric Oxygen for the Treatment of Acute Soft- Tissue Injury”

Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine 13 (3): 138-147.

Conclusion: “Treatments that can speed up the healing process are of greatest interest to the patient
and the doctors. The advantages of HBOT are the known benefits in reducing swelling, decreased
inflammation, improved collagen deposition in the skin and increasing the growth of new blood cells.”

cancer cell vs normal cell characteristics HBOT

“Hyperbaric Oxygenation for the Treatment of Acute Cerebral Oedema”

Journal of Neurosurgery, January 1992.

Conclusion: “Hyperbaric Oxygenation can be effective in reducing intracranial pressure by decreasing
cerebral blood flow. It’s ability to concomitantly increase cerebral oxygenation suggests its application for
the treatment of traumatic cerebral oedema.”

HBOT therapy

“Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for Reduction of Secondary Brain Damage in Head Injury”

Journal of Neurotrauma, 21:44-48. 2004.

Conclusion: “Translational research of HBOT in a variety of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) models has
shown neuroprotective effects in the absence of increased oxygen toxicity. Recent clinical trials favour
HBOT as promising safe therapeutic strategy for severe TBI patient.”

HBOT therapy

“Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a Systematic Review and Analysis”

Journal of Medical Gastroenterology. 

Conclusion: “In patients with Crohn’s Disease, 78% had clinical improvements, while all 39 patients
with ulcerative colitis improved.”
“HBOT lowered markers of inflammation and oxidative stress and ameliorated inflammatory bowel
disease in both human and animal studies”.

Many Medical Physicians Use НВОТ

Doctor, Bergeron, Rhett, MD

“I utilize Hyperbaric Therapy in all stages of cancer; upon detection, as well as pre- and post-surgery, pre, post and during chemo and radiation. In fact, if chemotherapy is used in conjunction with mHBT, the chemotherapy dose must be reduced. The HBOT will potentate any primary cancer treatment.
HBOT is the best cancer prevention and cancer remission therapy out there, bar none.”

Yutsis, Pavel I., MD, Oxygen to the Rescue

By increasing the oxygen environment to the cancer cells, it makes them less virulent and, in many instances, destroys them.

Dr. Thomas Seyfried

“A Ketogenic Diet and HBOT produce significant anti-cancer effects when combined in a natural model of systemic metastatic cancer. Our evidence that these therapies should be investigated as potential non-toxic treatments or adjuvant therapies (complementary therapies).”

Susan Sprau, M.D., Medical Director of UCLA Hyperbaric Medicine

“For the subset of patients who suffer from late effects of radiation exposure, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is often the only treatment than can prevent irreversible bone or tissue loss or enable
them to undergo life-improving reconstructive procedures such as breast or facial surgeries. By offering this therapy, we are able to provide a better quality of life to patients who have already survived devastating illnesses.”