Zyto Body Systems Analysis

What if there was a non-invasive way to glance inside your body to get a blueprint of what’s going on in there?


To See:

  • where you’re off balance,
  • where you might need further investigation,
  • where your body feels stress,
  • which foods likely don’t agree with your genetic
  • makeup,
  • which allergens or toxins appear to be causing a ruckus at a cellular level,
  • which hormone seems to be firing too strong…which one seems to be taking a siesta?

Sounds Too Good To Be True, Doesn’t It?

We agreed. Until we personally experienced the healing benefits of ZYTO technology!

While we do not diagnose based on ZYTO, it is an amazing tool to use to guide a plan of care including but not limited to

  • dietary changes to implement,
  • which supplements to consider 
  • what beneficial lab works

Speaking of lab work, according to ZYTO:

lab reports match with ZYTO’s detections over 90% of the time.

We’ve experienced this statistic in our findings as well, and while results cannot be guaranteed (because of you know, legality and such), the Live Well With Hope Team’s personal experiences and those of our clients cannot be denied.

what is zyto?

Our ZYTO scan technology will take your health to the next level by giving you a non-invasive inside look into what’s going on inside of your own body. 

As you discover personalized recommendations, you will step into personalized results.

A ZYTO scanner is a device used to perform a bio-investigation of the human body in a process known as bio-communication. In short, a ZYTO scanner asks your body questions and records the responses in the form of impulses it receives. This feedback provides you with precise information, which gives you an idea of your body’s systems needs.  This information will help provide “a pathway to health” that Hope will help you plan and implement.

ZYTO scans can even identify the exact best ways to improve your mental and physical health, including diet, exercise, supplements, and the use of essential oils!

zyto faqs

What is ZYTO Body System Analysis?

The ZYTO scanner offers a non-invasive way to ‘“look inside”  your body and its general condition. It does this by scanning hundreds of items using biomarkers and digital signatures identifying virtual objects. Some of the things analyzed include:

  • The Nervous System

  • Meridians

  • Hormone & Endocrine System

  • Detoxification System

  • Immune System

  • Muscles

  • Teeth & Bones

  • Joints

  • The Brain 

  • Chemical products

Stimuli that affect bodily functions, such as pathogens, electromagnetic fields, allergens, lifestyle, metals, and foods are also capable of being evaluated.

Once you know a system is weak or deficient, you can start taking steps to help your system heal naturally and completely, and dramatically improve your health.  The ZYTO scan informs you and your pracitioner about the exact type of supplements, homeopathic remedies, diet, exercise and essential oils for your body.


How does ZYTO work?

ZYTO biosurveys utilize galvanic skin response (GSR) data measured by the ZYTO Hand Cradle, which is then analyzed by proprietary software. This process identifies patterns of coherence and ranks Virtual Items based on biological preferences, allowing for informed wellness decisions based on the generated report.

What is it like to get a ZYTO Hand Cradle scan?

Getting a ZYTO Hand Cradle scan is easy and painless. You simply place your hand on the cradle while it measures your body’s response to subtle energetic impulses.

The actual scan may take as little as 5-7 minutes, and most people won’t even notice it. The gathered galvanic skin response (GSR) data is then used to provide personalized wellness information to support better health decisions. Going over your scan results will take about 45-55 min.

Is ZYTO safe?

There are no known contraindications whatsoever for properly administered ZYTO GSR scans. The amount of energy used is so low that it is safe for infants, children, and adults of all ages, including people with pacemakers and pregnant women. The ZYTO software does not interact with the body and cannot cause physical harm. 

Why get a ZYTO Biosurvey?

A ZYTO biosurvey, available in different ZYTO software, evaluates unique Virtual Items to support improved digestive, hydration, and overall wellness. It provides personalized data to make informed decisions about health and wellness, and it’s considered safe for individuals of all ages, including those with pacemakers and pregnant women.

Plus, the technology is designed to provide wellness decision support, guiding individuals with up-to-date biocommunication information as their bodies change.

What Others are Saying About Zyto

“The Zyto scans I have done with Hope have literally been life changing for me. I’ve been a nurse for 16 years, and I was so impressed with the accuracy and level of detail the scan provided….” – Allison, CO

“I was so impressed with how the Zyto scan helped me deal with particular issues in my body, that I asked Hope to go over the advanced info with me. Shockingly, it revealed the exact locations of trouble areas in my teeth and spine, as well as the underlying physical and emotional issues of each one. Who would guess that a simple “hand test” could reveal far more than my dentist or chiropractor!” – Carl CA

“After taking the Zyto Body Systems Scan and talking through the results with Hope, I finally understood my body. Since then, I feel like I’ve lived with much more intentionality in not only physical but mental health.” – Lexie

Zyto Body Systems Analysis


With a single placement of your hand on our ZYTO technology, you will see that your ZYTO scan is one of the simplest, but most effective technologies we’ve seen


Connect with your roots
Fuel your Body
Renew your Mind
Understand your Body 
Become a Student of Health
Smile Bigger
Regain your Perspective
Take hold of your health